Thursday, September 18, 2014


My name is Alicia Bugden and I am a sophomore at Salem State University. I am currently undeclared, but strongly believe I will make the leap and declare my major as Education this year. I have been working with children for as long as I can remember. At age 14, I started working at a daycare center where I am still currently employed. I have coached, babysat, and tutored countless children over the years as well. I also have three younger siblings who I have helped taken care of their entire lives. Working with children is all I know. I am currently an EEC certified teacher and have my own toddler classroom. My classroom is my life. Although the children are very young and easily entertained, I always go above and beyond to make them happy. I spend my weekends cleaning and decorating the classroom. I put a lot of time into planning fun weekly activities for them. They are so young that they may not remember what I say to them or what we did, but they will remember how they felt and I want that to be comfort and love. I'm still figuring everything out, but what is definite is that I want to work with kids for the rest of my life. I will use this blog to share experiences from my classroom and my schooling. 

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