Thursday, October 30, 2014

Gifted and talented students don't need help, they're already gifted and talented.. or do they?

There are countless programs for students who have difficulty in school. Sometimes we forget about those students who are doing just fine, maybe even better then just fine. These students need just as much attention and assistance as the students with exceptionalities. Say we have a student who is exceptionally gifted in science class. This student should be offered the opportunity to take a more accelerated class. Most schools offer these types of services. Once these gifted and talented students reach high school, they are given the opportunity to take AP courses which can count towards their college credits. It is crucially important that schools offer these opportunities. If these students were not offered this chance to be placed into accelerated classes they would be missing the opportunity to reach their full potential. These services make way for these student's successful futures. Some schools such as the ones in Oldham County, facilitate special programs for these students. They believe these students need special guidance and instruction.

"There are students whose intellectual capacity, rate of learning, and potential for creative contributions demand experiences apart from, but connected to, the regular classroom. We are committed to the belief that these gifted students require guidance in discovering, challenging, and realizing their potential. Under this philosophy it becomes the responsibility of the entire staff, in partnership with parents and the school system, to meet the needs of gifted students."

It is important schools and teachers meet all the needs of these gifted students so they are able to reach their full potential. 

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